Thursday, March 14, 2013

Do Flatfeet Affect Running?

The average runner takes 200 steps a minute. You may be too focused on your breathing or making it through a run to even count how many steps you take. Each stride you take while running can put a lot of stress and shock on your feet, ankles, shins and knees. If you have flatfeet, the stress on your feet can be multiplied.

Are flatfeet causing you pain while you run?

Flatfeet are when you do not have an arch on the bottom of your foot. If you stood up on the floor, the entire sole of your foot would touch the ground. Having flatfeet affects the structure of your foot and causes your feet to behave differently than someone who would have an arch.

Flatfeet often cause your feet to roll inward when they strike the ground. This is called overpronation and could be what is causing the discomfort while you run. It changes the normal biomechanics of your foot, which increases the stress on your foot. When your foot rolls inward too severely, the weight of your body is not distributed properly, Normally, it would be distributed evenly to the ball of your foot whereas with overpronation, the inside of your foot takes the brunt of the force.

Unfortunately, the overpronation from flatfeet can also lead to other problems such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints and Achilles tendonitis.

If you need help with alleviating the pain from flatfeet or if you are curious about whether you overpronate or not, contact our Troy, NY podiatric office for help. Foot specialist, Dr. Tejas Pandya can examine your feet, diagnose any cause of pain and find any potential problems that could arise in your future. Call (518) 273-0053 or visit us at
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