Thursday, December 20, 2012

All About Ankle Sprains

Many children are scared of things going bump in the night. When you bump into or trip over something in the night and an ankle sprain occurs, it can definitely be a scary situation.

In reality, an ankle sprain can happen to anyone at any time. It is a common injury and roughly 25,000 people experience a degree of an ankle sprain every day. Dr. Tejas Pandya, foot and ankle specialist in Troy, and Clifton Park, NY treats patients with ankle sprains on a regular basis.

What happens?

When the ligaments of the ankle unnaturally twist and are pushed beyond their limits, a sprain has happened. You might even hear a “popping” sound followed by pain, swelling and bruising. There are levels of severity and they correlate to the level of damage that occurs. The damage also dictates the type of treatment needed and the length of recovery to be expected.

What should you do?

First off, observe the basic first-aid rule of RICE. Rest your ankle, ice the injury, add compression bandages to immobilize the ankle, and elevate your foot. When symptoms do not improve, it is important to see a podiatrist such as Dr. Pandya. Symptoms of a sprain are similar to a broken bone and he can accurately diagnose the degree of injury.

The rehabilitation process is key in gaining back foot and ankle health. Ankle sprains that are not properly treated could lead to chronic problems and pain. An ankle sprain could take weeks to months to fully heal, so you should pace yourself when attempting to get back into regular activity. Keep your ankles strengthened with good warm up before activity, stretching exercises and proper footwear.

Visit our website at to find more information about ankle injuries and call our office at (518) 273-0053 to schedule an appointment.
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