Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bunion Prevention: Keep Track of Your Child’s Feet & Yours!

Taking proper care of your feet is important at all ages and children’s feet are especially important to take care of.  You want to make sure to keep up with the health of your kids’ feet to help prevent future painful foot ailments such as bunions.

A bunion is a growth of the bone, or tissue, that surrounds the joints based at your big toes. Bunions tend to develop slowly, so prevention techniques should be taken even during childhood.
Have your children follow these healthful tips to prevent bunions:

    •    Exercise your feet and toes. Include your children in your daily exercise routine and work out your feet and toes. Rotate your feet and try to move each toe individually. Point your toes up and down and practice picking up small objects using your toes.

    •    Wear correct shoe and sock sizes. Shoes that scrunch your toes can lead to bunions or causes them to spread. Children’s feet can grow at extremely fast rates so check your child’s shoes regularly.  You can do this by feeling the front of their shoes and see where the big toe lands. Footwear should allow the toes enough room to move. Your toes should not touch the end of your shoes and should be wide enough that toes will not be pushed together.

    •    Avoid excessive pronation. If your child’s feet roll inward too much during walking, running, or any form of physical activity, it can result in bunions. Supportive shoes, or arch support shoe inserts, can prevent this problem. You can also look into purchasing custom made orthotics, which can be used to prevent many different foot ailments and give your child’s feet the best functionality.

Keeping your feet healthy from an early age can help to keep you active for longer. If your child develops a bunion, or any other sort of foot ailment, contact our office at (518) 273-0053 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tejas Pandya.  He can help your child get back to his or her best foot health.

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