Friday, July 19, 2013

Corn Prevention

How can I prevent unsightly bumps on my toes?

Our feet often tell a sad story. After the stress they endure and the shoes they are forced to be in, the outcome can be injury and all sorts of lumps and bumps. A common “bump” treated at the podiatric office of Dr. Tejas Pandya is often a corn.

A corn is a thick hardened patch of skin that develops over time. Often found on the top and sides of your toes, corns appear as a form of defense from your skin rubbing against the inside of your shoes. Corns can be painful and make it difficult to wear shoes, so preventing them is key! Dr. Pandya offers some helpful tips to remember in order to avoid painful corns:

Choose shoes wisely - Since poor fitting footwear is often the culprit, avoid squeezing your toes into tight toe boxes. The pressure and friction will cause your skin to become irritated and corns to develop. High heels are one style that put a lot of pressure on toes and should be avoided if possible. The rule of thumb is that your shoes are too tight if you can’t wiggle your toes. There are some shoes that will respond to stretching to ease the pressure on your feet. A shoe shop can help stretch the toe box so it won’t pinch your toes. 

Take action - If you are feeling any pressure points, use a bandage or non-medicated corn pad to protect the area and prevent a corn from developing. There are toe separators that can help prevent soft corns from developing between your toes.

Complications can arise from having corns and an infection is a serious foot problem, especially if you have diabetes. Beat corns before they even start! For help removing corns, contact Capital District Podiatry and make an appointment with Dr. Pandya. Call (518) 273-0053 today! 

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