Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tips to Avoid Fungal Infections

Your feet can be easily exposed to so many forms of fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. Fungal infections can spread into small breakages of the skin on your feet or into your toenails. Fungal infections can cause embarrassing thickening or discoloration of your toenails and can become painful. We want to help you keep your feet healthy and looking their best, so we’ve have some helpful tips to help you avoid fungal infections.
  • Look out for public places. If you are a frequent visitor to public gym or pool, you may be putting yourself at risk for fungal infections. Hot moist areas, like gyms, locker rooms, pools, and showers are the best environments for fungi to thrive. When visiting a public place, make sure to always wear some form of protective footwear to avoid fungal infections.
  • Beware of nail polish. Nail polish can be a great way to make your toes look their best! Yet we feel that healthy toenails are the best looking. If you are experiencing toenails with discoloration, thickening, cracks, or decays, do not attempt to hide the imperfections with toenail polish. These unfortunate toenail irregularities could be a sign of fungal toenails. Toenail polish can lead to a more serious infection, and will make the problem worse. Treating the nail rather than covering it is healthier and much better in the long run.
  • Keep your shoes to yourself! Sharing shoes or any product that comes into direct contact with your feet like socks, towels, or orthotics is an easy way to spread fungal infections. You shouldn’t share any of these items with anyone, even close friends and family.
If you do develop a fungal infection, such as athlete’s foot, call our office at (518)273-0053 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tejas Pandya.
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