Thursday, October 11, 2012

Simple Shoe Tricks for Healthy Feet

Maintaining your health can be a tricky job. Your feet need care and attention just like the rest of your body. Footwear is made specifically to protect the health of your feet, but your shoes can’t do all the work - they need your help!

Follow these simple tips to helping your shoes protect your feet, ankles and all 10 toes:
  • Get the right fit. The most important aspect of your shoes is the fit. Shoes need to fit correctly to the length, width and height of your feet. Your footwear should big long enough that your toes have about a thumb’s width before the end of your shoe, but not so big that your heel slides out the back. Shoes should also be wide enough that you have room to wiggle your toes and tall enough that they do not press down on your toes.
  • Be specific to your exercise. Your shoes should be specific to your activities. If you are involved in different sports you need different shoes for each exercise. Physical activities put pressure on your feet, and soccer will affect your feet differently than running, yoga or football. Therefore each sport or exercise will require specific protection from your footwear so you will need different shoes for each of your activities.
  • Alternate between shoes. While you should alternate different shoes for each of your exercises, you should also alternate your daily walking shoes. Your shoes need their days off just like you. This will not only help your shoes last longer, but also maintains the health of your feet.
  • Cushion your feet. While your shoes should provide you an appropriate amount of cushioning, you should always pair your footwear with a comfortable pair of socks. Socks give your feet greater cushioning and reduce irritation between your feet and your shoes. This will help prevent painful ailments like blisters.
  • Add an orthotic. Purchasing custom molded orthotics can be one of the best investments you will ever make. An orthotic adds support, comfort and cushioning to your footwear. It can relieve pain and reduce your risk for an injury.
Taking proper care of your feet can be a big job, but making foot care a part of your regular routine can help you prevent foot ailments throughout your lifetime. If you are experiencing pain in your feet or would like to come in for a check-up and proper foot examination contact our office at (518) 273-0053 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tejas Pandya.

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