Thursday, September 13, 2012

New York Giants’ Prince Amukamara Suffers Ankle Sprain

Prince Amukamara, cornerback for the New York Giants, has recently suffered a mild sprain to his high ankle. The injury occurred during a recent pre-season game against the Chicago Bears. The injury took place with less than five minutes left in the first quarter of the game and Amukamara had to be carted off the field. He is now expected to be out for at least the next several weeks.

With Amukamara out, the Giants are worried about defending their title in this year’s Super Bowl. The timing could not be worse considering the injury took place less than two weeks before the regular season begins. Their starting cornerback, Amukamara, will certainly be out for their first game against the Dallas Cowboys taking place on September 5th.

The injury was originally thought to be a fracture but x-rays showed that it was a high ankle sprain. Ankle sprains result from unnatural motions that often twist the ankle bones and force them out of their proper and comfortable position in your foot. Ankle sprains occur when the ankle is forced out of its natural positioning. It results in severe stretching of the ankle’s ligaments. In more serious sprains the ligaments can actually tear or rip completely.

Since the injury appears mild, Amukamara may recover quickly and be able to return to the regular season without missing too many games. Ankle sprains should not be taken lightly, treated immediately and given the proper time to heal. If an ankle sprain does not receive proper treatment in a timely manner it can result in severe pain, swelling bruising, and even long-term issues with the injured foot. You should ice and elevate the injury as needed in order to relieve pain and swelling. Ankle sprains should also be properly wrapped with compressive bandages to prevent mobility of the ankle during the healing process. Serious sprains, or those left untreated, may require surgery.

When it comes to injuries, just like in sports, your best defense is a good offense. Therefore you should take the proper steps to prevent ankle sprains from occurring. Conduct a proper warm-up and cool-down routine that incorporate your feet in order to maintain the strength of your ankles and increase your balance and flexibility. Remember to stretch throughout the day, exercise for at least 30 minutes every day and purchase properly fitting footwear. If you experience an ankle sprain, contact our office at (518) 273-0053 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tejas Pandya.

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