Friday, March 16, 2012

Skip the expense and give yourself a pedicure at home!

Proper toenail care is an important aspect of keeping your feet healthy.  Not only should you exercise and keep your feet clean, but your toenails need to be cared for as well.  Going to an expensive salon or spa to get a pedicure can be expensive and sometimes inconvenient with a busy schedule.  However, you can make your feet look just as great by giving yourself a pedicure in the convenience of your home.
First things first – you must purchase the proper nail care tools.  The cost may seem slightly high at first, but remember this is only a onetime expense, as your tools can last for awhile if taken care of properly.  The tools you need for self pedicures include nail polish remover, nail clippers, moisturizing lotion or cream, foot scrub or a foot file, a bowl, cuticle remover and nail polish.

Once you’ve got the essentials for a pedicure you need to follow these steps:

1.      Disinfect your tools.  After every use your foot tools should be disinfected. Doing this simple task will prevent the spread of germs that may cause foot infections. 

2.      Clean your feet.  Wash your feet with soap and water to prevent any sort of foot fungus from developing.

3.      Soak your toenails.  Fill a bowl with warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Remember to dry your feet thoroughly before you begin your pedicure.

4.      Scrub your feet.  If you have dry skin you should use a scrub or a foot file to get rid of dead skin.

5.      File and cut.  Toenails should be cut straight across and the nail should not go past the end of your toe. After cutting your toenails you can file them to your desired shape.

6.      Moisturize.  After you soak your feet then apply a moisturizing lotion or cream. Make sure not to put lotion between your toes.

7.      Use a cuticle remover.  Push back the cuticles with an orange stick or a Hindu stone. Cuticles offer protection from bacteria and infection. Cuticles clearly overhanging the nail margins need to be carefully trimmed. Do not trim any further than the nail margin or draw blood as this can lead to infection.

8.      Use nail polish remover.  Even if you do not have old nail polish on it’s always a good idea to use remover before applying new polish. Nail polish remover will get rid of any oil and protect the cuticle area from infection.

9.      Polish.  Pick your favorite nail polish and start applying a base coat.  When the first base coat has been applied then you can apply two more coats and finish with a top coat, which will make your pedicure last longer.

Proper and regular toenail care can help protect your feet from developing conditions like toenail fungus and bunions. If you have noticed any skin issues on your feet, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Tejas Pandya at (518) 273-0053 to schedule an appointment.;

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