How many times have you heard a person say they have broken their foot? Have you ever wondered what exactly that means? In the normal foot there are 26 different bones. So when a person says they have a broken foot there are many options as to which bone it could be. In this blog we’ll be discussing the fractures that can happen to the bones of the midfoot known as the metatarsals.
In the news lately, Ben Roethlisberger was reported as having a fracture on the 5th metatarsal. The 5th metatarsal is located on the outside portion of the foot. If a patient had a metatarsal fraction and went to see a podiatrist, the podiatrist would first determine the severity and type of the fracture. The 5th metatarsal is a common place for stress fractures to occur. If the patient has a stress fracture, they will complain of aching in the outside portion of the foot. This type of fracture can result from repeated use such as athletics, work, or other hobbies. Your podiatrist can treat this condition and resolve the associated daily discomfort.
Another type of fracture that a patient may experience on the 5th metatarsal is known as a Jones fracture. In this type of fracture, the bone is broken just past the head and neck portion as seen in this radiograph. This type of fracture is more painful than other types due to the pulling of the muscles and tendons on the broken bones. As for treatment, your podiatrist will need to determine the age, activity level, and needs of the patient when treating this situation. Treatments may be surgical, non- surgical, weight bearing, or non- weight bearing. Metatarsal fractures can affect many different types of people: pro athletes, runners, or people who are doing repetitive movements every day. If you are suffering from foot pain, or other problems dealing with the feet Dr. Pandya can be reached at his office by dialing (518) 273-0053 or on the web at